Sunday, May 3, 2009

It’s not rocket science!

I consider myself pretty smart. I finished my teaching program with a 3.82 average which I don’t think is too shabby so why can’t I read the directions to crochet a stupid triangle shawl? I had a terrible time figuring it out because it’s written in a secret code. I used goggle to find out how to read crochet code and it still did not help me understand what they meant by ch-2hch, skip space turn, (arhggg) what the heck do they want from me! I went to Michaels and asked d for help. They may sell the yarn, the hooks and books, but that doesn’t mean they know what to do with them. I did however find a book Crocheting for Dummies. That’s me, so I bought it. It was a little more helpful, but I still didn’t quit get it. I have had more success just by trial and error and hopefully the shawl I am making will turn out ok.

If any one out there can break the crochet code and is willing to share the secret with me I would be forever grateful.

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