We are short one kid this weekend. My son is sitting at a chess board right now in Nashville, Tennessee competing in the USCF National Chess Competition.He left Thursday and will not be home again until Monday night. I hope he has a great time and I can’t wait to hear all about it when he gets home. I mean I do miss him, but this is such a wonderful opportunity for him that we just had to let him go. My husband and I both feel that this type of trip is good for our son because it broadens his world and gives him the opportunity to do things out from under our shadow and begin to find out just who he really is.Plus, he promised to bring me a present from Tennessee.
The journey I began in January of 2007 is almost completed. I finished my last methods class and now all that is left is my student teaching which I will begin in August of this year.After that hopefully I will be able to find a job teaching.When I began this journey the market was wide open for teachers but with the economy taking a nose dive I can only hope that schools will still be in the position to be hiring new teachers.
It has been an interesting journey. In January of 2007 when I returned to school after many years away from academia I was a little worried that I had forgotten how to be a student. After only a few classes it all came back and I was soon in the swing of things again. As strange as it may sound my faith has also grown during this time.I have heard it said that when you are ready to learn a teacher will come, or something like that and I believe it is true. Every time I needed a teacher for a practicum I would stress about finding one who would take me.Someone who was perfect for what I needed would show up and be willing to let me work in their class.This started with my very first practicum with Mrs. Williams, who is the sweetest woman who is such a good teacher.She made me feel welcome right from the start by encouraging and helping me when I was so unsure of myself.It ended with Mr. Albach who taught me so much during that last practicum class.He taught me that a little bit of chaos can be a good thing because it means the kids are excited about learning and are engaged in the process. He taught me that you can be a good teacher and still be a little laid back with your students and all the teachers in between who taught me so much through their examples. I am grateful to each and every one of them.
So now I wait until August to begin the final chapter of this journey and my student teaching assignment. I know it is very important and I think I am ready although a little nervous, but I am prepared to jump in and give it my best.To tell you the truth I can’t wait.
Thought flows in terms of stories - stories about events, stories about people, and stories about intentions and achievements. The best teachers are the best story tellers. We learn in the form of stories.
Frank Smith
Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. – Gandhi