With all due respect to my mother who feels that hate is too strong a word to be used with describing how you feel about a person or thing and much prefers the terms I don’t care for or I dislike to be used instead of the dreaded hate word I ,however, feel the word is entirely appropriate to describe how I feel. .
And I agree there are times that I don’t care for or I dislike are completely adequate to describe you feeling about a particular person or thing. For example, I don’t care for people who go through the 10 items or less check out with 20 or more items. I don’t care for people who wear way too much perfume or cologne to church, concerts, movies or any other place I may go so that it is all but impossible to breathe. I dislike people who talk through movies or spoil the ending for me. But I don’t hate these people that are reserved for the lowlife bottom dwelling scum puppies of the earth other wise known as hackers.
There are two kinds of hackers, those who hack to steal information from you so they can gain monetarily. These people are crooks and hopefully will be caught and prosecuted. Then there are those who hack because they can. It’s a game to them to see if they can get in your system and leave a nasty little virus behind, aren’t they clever. While I dislike the first type of hacker and hope they go to jail fro their crimes, I hate with the intensity of 1000 white hot suns the second groups of hackers.
Someone has for what ever sick and twisted need has introduced a virus to my computer and it is infected big time. Normally when you leave your computer idle for a certain amount of time it will hibernate. If this happens you simply wake it up by jiggling your mouse and resume what ever task you were working on before the interruption.
My computer hibernates at will and not just when it has been left alone, but any time it wants to. I can be in the middle of a sentence or in the middle of a game, the computer screen will go black and I get a no signal message. At this point you can’t wake it up no matter how much you jiggle the mouse or press the enter key. The only option is to turn off the computer and restart it.
In my opinion people who hack simply to mess with peoples computers and cause all sorts of havoc are no different then terrorists who hide behind a mask to claim responsibility for their horrible acts. If you are so proud of what you do why do you hide? If you think breaking into a computer program that infects other peoples computers and makes their lives more difficult then they need to be some how makes you a bigger person all I can say is you’re wrong, it only makes you a self centered, self absorbed jerk who spends way to much time playing with themselves. Leave my computer alone and do something useful with your life.