Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Does this burka make me look fat?

Well it looks like Obama will be our next, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit, president. I never thought that this would come to pass. I can’t express how incredibly disappointed I am in my fellow Americans. We may have just elected a man who is not even qualified to protect the president.

I just have to keep reminding my self we survived a Clinton presidency, we can survive this too. However as of tomorrow the diet is off. No one will know what I look like under my burka anyway. Besides, black is so slimming.

I do believe we will continue as a great nation. Tomorrow the sun will rise, the world will keep spinning, and eventually sanity will return to the people. The republicans will gain control again and fix the mess Obama and his fellow democrats are about to make.

God bless America.


Dana said...

Amen and pass the PeptoBismol.

Anonymous said...

Amen and pass the Valium.

Buckaroo Banzai said...

That's hot. Nice . . . um . . . forehead?

momster said...

Dana & fuzzy's dad- I will definitely need something for my stomach and my nerves.
Wyatt- Thanks, I work out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Momster! Being from Canada, I will exclude myself from comments on the running of your country. You sure do now how to get the press coverage though!

I discovered your blog, Because I Said So, while searching for a photo on Google images. GREAT TITLE!! Mine is Mom blog: Because I Said So!, which includes the exclamation mark since it is important in the accurate representation of my delivery.

On Mondays I do Meet-the-Blogger Mondays. I'd love to include you, soon! Watchyathink? Send me an email at jacquelyn.momblog@yahoo.ca