Wednesday, October 22, 2008

5000! I am almost there.

I am rapidly closing in on my 5000th visitor. That absolutely amazing me that 5000 people have stopped by to at least look at my blog. Hopefully some of them stayed to read a bit of it. I never thought when I started this blog In January that anyone other then family and friends might check it out. It was more for fun and because I have always enjoyed writing even if my spelling tends to be a little creative at times. You all still know what I mean, right? In order to celebrate this milestone remember that I am offering to the 5000th visitor my copy of James Fenimore Cooper’s “The last of the Mohicans.” And more importantly it is the paper back with Daniel Day –Lewis on the cover,

You know the picture.

For that alone the book is valuable. Good luck, I hope to be mailing the book out to a winner very soon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the soon to be milestone.

Anonymous said...


BobG said...
