Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yes, the truth will indeed set you free!

I am always a little anxious when starting a new class, especially after I have turned in my first lesson and I am waiting for the grade to come back. I mean so far I have done pretty well getting mostly five out of five on most assignment except for a few fours thrown in here and there. Even with the track record of getting good grade on the assignments and the test, I am always worried. Did I really earn those grades or are they just passing out god marks because I have paid my tuition and my new instructor will see through the smoke screen and realize I am not as smart as I pretend to be and grade me accordingly. I get especially nervous when I jump to conclusions and assume that the teacher has an agenda that is contrary to my beliefs. Should I speak my mind freely or follow the herd mentality. That was just the problem I had last week and I received some excellent advice from RT who said to speak my heart but back it up and keep and open mind. I did that turned in my paper and was very pleased when I got my first grade for this class. It was a five out if five with this note attached, Mary, you did great on this response. I love it when my students clearly express their opinions!!! Yes indeed, it does pay to be true to your opinions as long as you support your position. Life is good. It also doesn’t hurt to open your mind up a little bit just as long as your brains don’t fall out.


Sezme said...

See, was that so hard? Sorry for the snark, but I say those same things to my students and they just keep writing what they "think" I want to see/hear. You did it, and you had good results. (Can you tell I've been grading essays the past week?)

Good for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

Anonymous said...
