Saturday, September 6, 2008

And a weigh we go!

Today is the first official weigh for the weight loss challenge and here are my results. I am down 5 pounds. I think, my scale is sort of floopy and if you shift your weight at all it changes but I stood really still and it looks like five pounds so that’s what I am gong with. My success this week is not due to my being especially good, while I was good, it has more do to do with the fact that the Slim Fast I was having for breakfast for some reason has started to have very unpleasant effect on my colon. I will have to find something else for breakfast that treats my tummy better. I wanted to link this to all my other diet friends but I am still having trouble with blogger and have not had time to sit down and figure it out. I can download you tube but not pictures or links. Any way I hope every one had a good week and I wish you all success for next week.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! :)

The problem might be the floor. Make sure you have a flat surface in your kitchen or bathroom. Also, Target and WalMart have super cheap scales. You'll need a reliable scale.

Big Bad Wolf said...

I haven't had a problem with the Slim Fast, but then again I survived 11 years of eating Navy food.

I DID have a reaction to something in my breakfast this morning...but so did my wife.

BobG said...

Good luck.