Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vocabulary word of the day.


Pronounced: pros-treyt

Definition: Physically weak or very tired.

This bronchitis as left me feeling prostrated.


BobG said...

What amazes me is how many people think that prostrate means one of two things:

1. Selling your body for sex
2. A gland in a man's body.

Sezme said...

It is most commonly used for a show of reverence and/or submission by lying stretched out on the floor/ground.

momster said...

bobg- In fact when I was little and read how the angels would prostrate themselves before the lord I thought they were being rude.

rt- You're right I should have included that along with my definition. I looked up tired in the thesaurus for a good word that meant tired and was surprised to find prostate since the only definition I had ever heard was the same one you gave.