Friday, February 15, 2008

Can you come out and play?

Weight Watchers was interesting yesterday. I learned that if you laugh for 15 minutes you would burn off 40 calories. You will also be carted off to the hospital for a mental evaluation if you laugh for 15 minutes straight, but you will be thinner when you get there.

She also talked about exercise. She reminded us that we all know the secret to losing weight is to eat less and move more. The moving more seems too difficult for many people. The reason for that is that exercise is something we feel we have to do; it takes time and it is not a lot of fun. She then had us think back to when we were children and what we liked to do. Things like riding your bike, swimming, playing hopscotch, climbing trees, and roller skating were just a few of the things we played as kids.

What is different now about getting up and moving? It is simple: when we were kids we wanted to do that stuff. Now we are older and we feel like we have to exercise. If we could only put the play back into exercise, we would be more likely to get moving. It made sense: we need to play more not exercise more. Let’s go play!

Oh, I almost forgot, I lost .4 pounds this week. It’s not a lot, but it’s moving in the right direction. Next week I plan on drinking lots of water, counting my points, and playing.


Dana said...

Laughing for 15 minutes sounds like more fun than exercising. I think you burn more calories by exercising than laughing though. Bummer, eh?


PS If I said that laughing is as good for you as exercising, would that be "libelous" (Did I spell it correctly???)?

Evil Transport Lady said...

I found your blog from AD's :)

I feel your pain about weightloss....I think working on one's weight may in fact be harder than quiting smoking.

Keep trying!

Sezme said...

Sex is exercise.

I don't know why I just said that, but it is. (Maybe because it is "play" adults like?)


Good job...going in a positive direction.

momster said...

Dana- If we could only figure out how to exercise and laugh at the same time. Yes, you spelled libelous correctly.
Evil lunch lady-Its a good thing I don't smoke then I would have double the pain. I am glad you came to visit. We have a lot in common.
RT- Sex is the best exercise!

BobG said...

"If we could only figure out how to exercise and laugh at the same time."

If you were to watch me exercising, you would have no problem laughing...