Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I choose none of the above.

I am going to cast my vote in the Arizona primary this morning because it is the right thing to do, but never have I been as indifferent to the election as I am this time. I have not missed a primary or a presidential election since I was able to vote in 1980 and I think I voted for Anderson.

Every time I have voted over the past 28 years, I have felt very strongly about a candidate and supported them. I can’t say that this time. I liked Fred Thompson a lot but the big baby quit, leaving a pathetic bunch from which to choose. Coming from Arizona, I feel like I might as well accept the inevitable and vote for McCain. I really do not want to though, but if it is McCain or Hillary, I guess I would rather have him.

To tell you the truth, I don’t want either of them, but they don’t give you that option. Sigh, I will vote today and I will wear the "I voted" sticker so that the students I interact with will see that being able to voted is a privilege and a responsibility - but my heart wont be in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean.In the 38 years since my first vote.I feel like not voting.But that would give us Hillary or Obama by default.Rick