Friday, February 29, 2008

Slow and steady wins the race.

I think I am goingto tyake this weight off one ppund at a time. I lost 1.2 pounds this week. Don’t get me wrong I am happy about it. I realize it didn’t get there over night and now that it’s happily settled about my hips and thighs and will take a little persuasion to get it to leave. My weight watcher leader pointed out that a pound a week is good because in a year that’s 52 pounds. I can live with that. I just keep telling myself time passes either way. I can be thinner or I can be heavier and I choose thinner.


Sezme said...

Good attitude. :)

BobG said...

I've been trying to lose for a while; hopefully I can do better this year than last. Mine has all settled around my middle. I used to have six-pack abs, but over the years, they upgraded to a keg...

momster said...

I know what you mean. I have always been curvy but now my curves have curves.