Thursday, February 28, 2008

I need to talk to a grown up!

After two days home sick my daughter is going back to school. I am so excited I get to be with grown up people today. The tornado came down with the crud that is going around. She developed a sore throat, headache, and phlegmy cough Monday afternoon and by Tuesday morning, she was feeling too sick to go to school. And since my job doesn’t matter, I was the one who has to stay home. I thought cool I can get all my homework assignments done up until the midterm and be ahead of eh game. That kept me busy Tuesday but when Wednesday morning rolled around and she claimed she still felt too bad to go to school, I was once again elected to say home. I love my daughter but I need to talk to grown up during the day and calling your husband to many times at work only annoys him and gets him in trouble; And by the time he got home from work he had had enough talking and wanted only piece and quite.

Tuesday I finished the assignments cleaned the kitchen, walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 minutes in the afternoon. I checked my e-mail about 100 times hoping people had left comments. And I played Adventure Quest on the computer. I also medicated my daughter several times with children’s musinax and fed her breakfast and lunch. She is a real trooper taking the medicine because I know it taste like crap but she downs it followed by a water chaser and a piece of chocolate. She didn’t cough or blow her nose as much so I told her she is going back to school tomorrow. She woke up feeling better this morning so all is well. I really need the company of people who don’t get a packet of crayons when they go out to eat, or whose favorite channel is nickelodeon


Sezme said...

Get used to that needing to talk to adults feeling. When you are a teacher, it is all you want when the day is done. We're too busy during our prep periods to really talk, so we often find ourselves needing adult conversations.

Anonymous said...

I talk to adults who can't run a simple machine all day long. It's highly overrated.

I would take talking to my boys over that any day of the week - mostly because, no matter what, I am always right...

momster said...

rt- at least I have my blogger buddies. Your are all grown up right, well maybe not Wyatt.
jt- My 12 year old son has not thought I was right since he turned 10 and my seven year old daughter thinks she is right about every thing. The only one who knows I am always right is the husband and thats because I told him so.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry we here in blogger land know you are right.I can talk with my cats.They my not listen.
But at least I can vent and not upset them.

momster said...

Fuzzy's dad- The cats are on my side. as long as they are fed on time and loved when they want they think I can do no wrong.

Evil Transport Lady said...

I've been off of work since Feb. 14. I am a basket case. Even tho my daughter is 17, she's been so sick that talking was out of the question. She's better and I am going back to work today.


P.s. my job also "doesn't matter" but some days I wish it did.

Anonymous said...

momster and ELD: Every job matters.

momster said...

EVL &jt - I guess I should have said not as important a job instead of doesn't matter. It just seems like if one of the kids is sick its always me who stays home because my husbands job is more important then mine.
EVL- they might not appreciate what we do but you and I know how important our jobs are. A hungry kid cant learn.

Anonymous said...

My wife an I usually split it, but I work in IT, so my job is pretty...relaxed, I guess, so I don't really mind staying home. In fact, most of the time, I will volunteer to stay home.