Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thoughts while soaking in the tub.

While I soaked in the tub and hid from my kids last night, I was suddenly struck with an awful thought. It is very possible that I will live to see history in that for the first time the United States may elect a woman President. It was a frightening thought; not because I do not think a woman can be president, but because there are so many examples of women who are their country's leader.

I found a website about women in power located at and found some very interesting information. Out of the 192 members of the United Nations, 18 of them have female leaders; three are queens, three are governing generals, six are presidents and the final six are prime ministers.

I clearly believe that history has shown that women are capable of governing, and I wonder sometimes why the United States seems so behind in this aspect of our government. Nevertheless, while I believe we are ready for a woman President, I am equally convinced that Hillary Clinton is not the woman to fill this role. I believe that Hillary, like her husband Bill, did not seek the presidency because they felt they were the best suited for the job, but because they both seek power for power's sake.

Someday a woman will run and be elected. One who wants to be president for the right reasons, and not to simply further their own ambitions. I still hope a woman is elected to high office in my lifetime, and that it is someone I can fully support. I still like Condoleezza Rice, and I would vote for her if she ran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. I agree 100% with you.