Thursday, February 14, 2008

Vocabulary word of the day.



Pronounced: hang-ker-ing

Definition: A yearning, or longing, or hunger for someone or something.

I have a hankering for my sweet Valentine


Anonymous said...

I have a hankering for my wifes home made tomato soup.It is GREAT!

momster said...

I love tomato soup. Will she share the recipe?

Dana said...

Why, yes, she will share the recipe! I posted it on my blog back in January:

I hate the stuff from a can, but this tomato soup is GREAT!

Dana (I guess I would be "fuzzy's mom!)

momster said...

I checked out the recipe and it sounds really good. The husband thinks so too.
My cat Tobby looks so much like your fuzzy they could be brothers. I'm not his actual mother though, he was adopted. Don't tell him he doesn't know