Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday morning confessions

I have a confession to make. I am a product of a poor educational system. I was taught to read using the Site word method, which was accompanied by Basel readers. I especially remember the Dick and Jane series. As a result and no fault of my own, I can’t spell. That the awful truth. I am an incredibly bad speller. I remember misspelling spelling on the top of a spelling test. I am so ashamed. But for people like me there is hope. The spell checker that comes with my word processing program has been a lifesaver. It has always been there for me correcting my misspelled words gently correcting me when my grammar is incorrect. But lately it has been acting strange it has become politically correct. I wanted to us the term lunch lady in a post earlier because that is what I am a lunch lady. It wanted me it change it to lunch person or lunch woman. Nope I not a lunch woman I am a lunch lady! It didn’t like schoolgirl it wanted pupil or student but what’s funny about giggling like a student? That is right nothing is funny about a laughing student. And it has something against using contractions. At first, I went along with it and changed all my contractions per its suggestion and then I realized that it made me sound pretentious. And I am not pretentious, ok maybe a little.. I have therefore decided that I will use the words I want and I will use contractions when I want because I am not afraid of my spell checker. I just hope it keeps correcting my misspelled words.

1 comment:

Sezme said...

I was taught whole language, too. However, I had a few wise elementary school teachers that taught me Latin roots and how to spell.

I find that bad habits are now coming from the lazy text and IM writing; of which, I am guilty.