Sunday, January 6, 2008

My Baby

cody's hands 2.jpg

My baby is growing up. I was playing with my son, who wishes to remain nameless in order to avoid embarrassment, and there it was, an armpit hair. I yelled for his dad to come and see. His dad shrugged and said, “It’s an armpit hair.” However, it is so much more then that, it means he is not my baby anymore. So much has changed since we brought him home from the hospital almost two weeks after he was born, a tiny little boy barely four pounds and now he is growing up into such an incredible young man with armpit hair. I am so proud of who he is becoming but I miss the little boy who napped on my chest and gave me Cheetoes because they would make me feel better after a miscarriage, and who thinks I am the coolest mom because I make the best forts and make his mash potatoes green and his pancakes blue. As much as I miss that little boy it has been an incredible experience watching him growing up to be a smart, funny, compassionate young man who I believe will leave his mark on this world. I hope that it will wash off.


momster said...

Yes, I know I'm an idiot. Just pretend like you never saw his name.

Buckaroo Banzai said...

So, you made a mistake. No biggie. I make ten on my blog before breakfast.

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

They grow up so fast!

Got you blogrolled, BTW. :)

momster said...

Thank you very much. You blogger guys are so nice.