Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vocabulary word for the day.

Aspiring teacher that I am, I have decided to introduce to you a new vocabulary word each day. A Long with the new word I will give the definition and show you how the word can be used in every day conversation to impress your easily impressed friends.
The word for the day is in conceivable.
pronounced in-ken-se-ve-bel
it is an adjective.
Definition- no it does not mean the inability to conceive. It does mean unbelievable.
As illustrated by the following sentence. It was inconceivable that Hilary Clinton actually won a primary. So go out their impress the easily impressed with your highly developed vocabulary and be sure to come back tomorrow for the new word of the day.


Buckaroo Banzai said...

And brilliantly used by Wallace Shawn in "The Princess Bride."

momster said...

I was thinking of that movie, which I love, when I decided to use that word. I am so glad the reference was caught. You are so smart.