Friday, January 25, 2008


As I mentioned yesterday I have joined weight watchers. For a week, I have been carefully counting my points. I started each day with 18 points with the understanding that I had an additional 35 points per week to use if I need them. Today at work, a coworker asked me how many points she could have per week and as I was helping her figure it I realized I had made a mistake. A huge mistake, when calculating the points you take the first two digit of your weight, for example if you weigh 180 pounds the number would be 18 points plus points for your sex your age and how active you are. My mistake was I took the first two digits and added them together so instead of getting 18 points for a person weighing 180 I would have had 9 points. I had effectively cut the number of points I should have been eating daily by half. No wonder I was hungry all week. When I realized my mistake, I thought either I am going to do really well or I have sent my body into school and not lost a thing. Happily, it was the first; I lost 6.6 pounds this week. Hopefully I can get the rest of their friends to follow as well.


Sezme said...

YAY! Hopefully, you are eating a teeny bit more. :)

Yeah, that points thing would totally doom me. I suck at math. HA!

Ssssteve said...

Great job!! Good luck

IHeartQuilting said...

Great job! Good luck this week!